Schedules at Farmland

Daily Schedule

8:30:  School Office Opens
9:10:  Students enter building and line up at classroom door
9:15:  Students enter classrooms
9:25:  Classroom instruction begins
9:30:  Attendance is collected
3:50:  Walkers, car and bus riders dismissed
4:30  School office closes

*Students arriving after 9:30 am should report to the office for a late arrival slip

Lunch and Recess Schedule   

Grade level Lunch Recess
Kindergarten 11:20-11:55 10:45-11:20
First Grade 12:35-1:10 12:00-12:35
Second Grade 10:45-11:20 11:20-11:55
Third Grade 1:15-1:50 1:50-2:25
Fourth Grade 1:50-2:25 1:15-1:50
Fifth Grade 12:00-12:35 12:35-1:10

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