Code Purple and Chromebooks for Home Use
In the event of a Code Purple, our school will follow this schedule. We will post additional information once a Code Purple is announced.
All students have a chromebook to use from their classroom cart during the school day. Your family may request a device for home use. Requesting the device implies consent of use in accordance with MCPS policy (IGT-RA) and acknowledgement that the Chromebook, software, and issued peripherals are owned by MCPS.
Please use this form to request a chromebook for home use.
User Responsibilities for Computer Systems, Electronic Information, and Network Security can be found online. Montgomery County Public Schools retains the sole right of possession of the Chromebooks. The Chromebooks are loaned to students for educational purposes for the academic year. MCPS administrative staff retain the right to collect and/or inspect Chromebook hardware or software at any time including via electronic remote access.
It may take 2-3 weeks for your request to be processed and the device to be sent home with your student.