Counselor's Corner

Mrs. Maureen Enstrom, Counselor

Mrs. Maureen Enstrom, School Counselor

Mrs. Tina Millard, School Counselor

What Does a Counselor Do?

  • Talks to students individually or in groups
  • Visits classrooms and participates in classroom activities
  • Helps identify needs of students
  • Helps students learn how to get along together
  • Works together with teachers and parents to help students
  • Coordinates efforts with other school specialists

From Whom Does the Counselor Get Help?

  • Teachers and parents
  • Principals
  • Pupil personnel workers
  • Doctors, psychologists and other health professionals

A Counselor Is...

  • A certified, trained, caring person
  • A resource person, a coordinator, a counsultant, and a group leader
  • A person who helps people understand children
  • A person who helps children understand themsevles

Where Can You See the Counselor?

  • In the counselor's office
  • In the classroom
  • In the cafeteria
  • In the hallway
  • Outside the school

How Can a Student See the Counselor?

  • Self referral
  • Parent referral
  • Teacher or principal referral
  • Friend referral
  • Drop in

A Counselor Counsels Students Individually and in Groups to...

  • Help students develop self understanding and self awareness
  • Help students increase self-confidence and self-esteem
  • Help students recognize and use their capabilities
  • Give students a chance to talk about education and social concerns
  • Help students recognize, understand and work through learning differences
  • Help students adjust to their school and home environments
  • Help students in the decision making process

How Does a Counselor Know About Current Ideas In Counseling?

  • In service training sessions
  • Workshops and seminars
  • Conventions and conferences
  • Regular counselor meetings
  • Continuing education classes
  • County, state, and national meetings

A Counselor's Job Requires These Qualifications

  • Graduate degree in counseling from an approved college program
  • Maryland state certification
  • A caring, sensitive personality
  • A love of children