Health Information

Health Room

A health technician is on duty from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm each school day. It is important for us to have every child's emergency information on file so that we may contact parents quickly if necessary. If your child becomes too ill to remain in class, you will be contacted and asked to pick up your child.


To prevent the spread of communicable diseases, parents are asked to keep children at home when an illness is suspected. Children who do not feel well have difficulty paying attention or completing assignments. Health room staff is not available to provide long-term care for sick children. Parents must make arrangements to pick up a sick child as soon as possible in the event a child becomes ill while at school. The primary role of health room staff is to provide emergency first aid.


Students are to be immunized in accordance with Maryland State laws before enrolling in a Montgomery County public school. Students may not be allowed to attend school until evidence of immunizations against DPT, polio, measles, and rubella is presented. Students entering kindergarten through fifth grade must have 4 DPTs, 3 OPVs, and 1MMR (after the first birthday and either a second MMR or a second measles vaccine). All students new to Montgomery County must provide proof of a physical examination within the last nine months. Please check with the school health technician if you have any questions about immunizations or health records.


Parents are encouraged to administer medications to their children at home whenever possible. No medication will be administered in school or during school-sponsored activities without written authorization from the parent/guardian and a physician's written order. Any prescribed medication that needs to be administered at school must be in the original bottle and must be accompanied by MCPS form 525-13 (Authorization to Administer Prescribed Medication). All medications must be hand delivered to the school by the parent; under no circumstances will school personnel administer medications brought to school by a student. Over-the-counter medications must be accompanied by a physician's note and are to be administered by the health technician. Please do not send cough drops, throat drops, vitamins, aspirin, Tylenol, etc. to school with your child.  The following forms and information are available online. 

Students Who Become Ill at School

Bells Mill has a Health Room located in the main office area. Students who become ill at school may be picked up in the Health Room and should be signed out in the main office. Students who have purchased a school lunch and who leave before lunch time should contact the cafeteria before they leave school that day.