Welcome to the Whetstone Media Center Site!

Media Center

Kelly McConnell, Media Specialist

Coleene Hall, Media Assistant




Open Book Exchange:

We have an open book exchange policy J All students are welcome 8:30-11:40 and 12:20-2:55 during the school day. Please never hesitate sending a student or a few to the Media Center to return and/or check out new materials! Please remember to send them with their Media Center pass.  All materials must be checked out at the computer before removing them from the Media Center.

Media Center Schedule:

Students in PEP, Pre-K, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 have all switched to a fully flexible schedule.

This is an exciting new change for everyone! I will meet with grade level teams to schedule projects; media center lessons, modeled lessons, and technology demonstrations. They may require several sessions in consecutive days or spread out within a week or two. I can work with small groups, half a class, and in whole group settings. I can also work in the media center, classrooms and with the laptop carts. The length and setting really depends on the lesson(s). I enjoy working with a class throughout the entire research process, and also at specific parts of one. A more flexible schedule provides more quality lessons and more student access to the many materials available to them in the media center. From time to time, mini-lessons will be provided on media center skills, new technology, use of patron's

Catalog-Destiny Quest, online sources, web authoring, etc. Exposure to many forms of literature, and author spotlights will continue to be provided.   AGOPPE research needs can ideally be met with assistance from the media center.

Click here to connect to Destiny Quest 


  1.  Find Whetstone ES


  2.  Use your school log in and password


  3.  Build your book shelves and recommend your favorites to your friends





 Online Databases




 5th Grade:


Quarter 2 Changes In US Government Livebinder

Favorite Online Links for Students





Read Books Online at Children's Library (books available in many languages)


Learn to Read: Starfall.com

Eric Carle Website

Six Traits of Writing

Poetry for Kids

Giggle Poetry

Kids Mystery

Scholastic News

Reference for School or Home (formerly Ask Jeeves for Kids)

The First Thanksgiving

Kids Washington Post

Magic Tree House




Site Name Website Link Grade Range
AAA Math aaamath.com 3, 4, 5
 A+ Math K-5
Academic Skills Builder K-8
BBC Bitesize K-8
Brain Pop Free Stuff http://www.brainpop.com/free_stuff/ PK-8
Class Brain K-8
Cool Math K-8
Fun 4 the Brain K-5
GameQuarium K-8
Harcourt  http://www.harcourtschool.com/menus/math.html All
Math Flashcards K-5
Study Jams



Math Playground http://www.mathplayground.com/index.html All
Mr. Nussbaum K-12
Virtual Manipulatives K-12
Create A Graph http://nces.ed.gov/nceskids/createagraph/default.aspx 3, 4, 5
Teaching Tables http://teachingtables.co.uk/  3, 4, 5
Times Table Grid Game http://downloads.bbc.co.uk/skillswise/maths/ma13time/game/ma13tabl-game-tables-grid-find/timestables_2.swf 2-4



Regions of the World: Missouri Botanical Gardens

Bill Nye, Super Science Facts

Young Astronomers

Dragonfly Magazine: No longer updated, but still informative.

National Geographic Pioneer


American Girls

Harry Potter

Arthur Website

Sports Illustratred for Kids

NY Philharmonic Website

PBS Kids

For the Artist