Media Center → Policies, Procedures & Programs

Policies, Procedures & Programs

Hours and Access

The Media Center is open to students and staffed by media center personnel from 8:30 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. During open library time from 8:30-9:00 AM and 3:00-3:30 PM daily, students may come to the media center for book exchange and to turn in their reading incentive program sheets.

Circulation Policy

Books are circulated for a period of two weeks for grades 1 through 5 and may be renewed. Students may check out a total of 3 books at a time-2 books for pleasure reading and 1 for a project. Kindergarten students may check out one book for one week. No fines are charged for overdue materials, but students are expected to pay for books that are lost or damaged beyond repair.

The Collection

Ritchie Park's media center has over 14,000 print titles. There is a non-print collection which provides curricular support to the instructional program in the classroom. Selection guidelines established by MCPS are followed when materials are added to the collection. Input from staff and students is encouraged and appreciated. Other sources for new materials include Award Winning Book Lists, Outstanding and Notable Trade Book Lists, and journals such as Booklist and School Library Journal.

Black-Eyed Susan Books 2014-2015

Students in grades 1-5 have the opportunity to read books that have been nominated for the Maryland Black-Eyed Susan Award. A committee of media specialists selects the titles in several categories and only students in the state of Maryland are allowed to vote for the winners! Students in grades 1 and 2 will vote during their Media time. Students in grades 3-5 must complete the reading on their own time and those that have read the required number of books will also participate in a celebration and voting party in April. Information on the Black-Eyed Susan program is available on MASL's Black-Eyed Susan page or in the media center.


Newbery Challenge

The Newbery Challenge was issued by Ms. Fontyn and Mrs. Stylos in the Fall of 2005 to the students and staff of Ritchie Park. Students in grades 3-5 have been invited to read Newbery Award winning books. They must complete a minimum of 15 titles by the end of their 5th grade year. Many students read even more! We have many of these titles as Audiobooks to ensure that all students-regardless of reading level-who want to complete the challenge can do so successfully. Additional details are available in the media center.

“Intellectual Freedom is the right of every individual to both seek and receive information from all points of view without restriction. It provides for free access to all expressions of ideas through which any and all sides of a question, cause or movement may be explored. Intellectual freedom encompasses the freedom to hold, receive and disseminate ideas.” - The American Library Association