Science, Technology & Engineering


Mr. David Buckingham
Ms. Vanessa Chazelle
Dr. Joel Cohen
Ms. Jennifer Collins
Mr. Raymond Ekabe
Mrs. Monica Gilchrist
Mr. Brad Gurda
Mr. Robert (Bob) Jones
Mrs. Rachel Keller
Miss Christina (Tina) Montello
Mr. Matthew (Matt) Parker
Ms. Christine (Chris) Peterson-Tardif
Mrs. Laura Sandell
Ms. Stephanie Seo
Mr. Adam Stonemeier
Ms. Jennifer Wingate


Competitions / Events / Opportunities

  • Destination ImagiNation - Students are able to build important, lifelong skills, such as problem solving, teamwork and divergent thinking through an extracurricular program.
  • Final Frontiers - Students participate in a space-related competition for middle and high schools.  It is sponsored by the Maryland Space Business Roundtable.
  • Montgomery County Science Fair - Students are able to demonstrate their interest in science and their understanding of scientific methods.