Student Service Learning

 New to SSL | Due Dates | Pre-Approval and Verification Forms | Opportunities | Contact

NBMS SSL Coordinator, Carla Jurewicz, 240-740-2100

New to SSL? 

SSL stands for Student Service Learning. Students in the State of Maryland are required to earn 75 hours in order to graduate from high school. Service Learning must be done with non-profit, tax-exempt organizations, it must be non-religious in nature, occur in a public place, and be open to the greater community. All hours must be pre-approved by MCPS or the School SSL Coordinator. 

Student Service Learning HUB for MCPS Students and Families

NB SSL Information & FAQ flyer

How do I earn SSL hours?

  • Earn hours in specific middle school courses (Grade 6 science, Grade 7 English/ESOL, and Grade 8 social studies) through full participation in SSL activities and successful completion of the course. Earn hours by participating in service-focused activities promoted by school-sponsored clubs, organizations, and volunteering at a nonprofit school to assist a teacher or staff member. 
  • Earn hours through involvement in service activities with non-profit community organizations that are pre-approved for SSL (meet both MCPS SSL guidelines and requirements). 

Resources include: 

Due Dates:

Although you have until the end of your senior year to earn 75 hours, the hours have to be turned in in a timely manner. You really should turn them in as you go so they don't get lost or forgotten, keep a copy (electronic or hard copy) for yourself.  

Systemwide Student Documentation Timeline

Time Frame of Service Documentation Due Date
Service completed during the summer Last Friday in September
Service completed during the summer & 1st semester First Friday in January
Service completed during the summer, 1st semester & 2nd semester First Friday in June


Systemwide  SSL Award Timeline

Award Documentation due date
Documentation that qualifies middle school students for the Superintendent's SSL award. This award is given to students who meet the 75 hour graduation requirement during middle school and is only awarded once. First Friday in April


Please note that these due dates are county-wide and late forms cannot be accepted.

Pre-Approval and Verification Forms:

All service learning must be pre-approved by Montgomery County Public Schools. All pre-approved organizations have been through the MCPS SSL Training and know the MCPS SSL standards. In return, we know that the organizations are appropriate places for you to volunteer. Pre-approved opportunities can be found on the Montgomery County Volunteer Center  website.


If you want to earn hours by working with an organization that is non-profit, tax-exempt, and secular in nature, but is not already pre-approved, you can Request a Pre-Approval from Ms. Jurewicz. Complete the Individual Student Service Learning (SSL) Request and turn it in to Ms. Jurewicz at least two weeks before the date of service. All service hours must be documented on the  Verification Form. It is important that Student Service Learning Activity Verification forms are completely filled out before being submitted, including a written reflection touching on each of the five prompts asked and a signature from a supervisor. Please note that family members cannot supervise SSL activities. Student Service Learning Activity Verification forms must be turned in by the due dates listed above.

What do I do before and after I complete a pre-approved service? 

It is the student’s responsibility to research and work with the pre-approved SSL organization(s) to earn SSL hours. Once students have secured an SSL Opportunity they must complete the Student Service Learning (SSL) Activity Verification form. Make sure the Verification form is completely filled out, Ms. Jurewicz cannot process incomplete forms. 

  • Students may email an electronic copy of the form to Ms. Jurewicz, the NBMS SSL Coordinator, at Students may use the Kami extension to edit SSL forms/PDF files before emailing.


  • Complete a hard copy of the form. In the Counseling Office, there is an SSL table with hard copies of forms and designated grade level bins for completed forms.


If you have questions, please email Ms. Jurewicz at or