
Family Math & Reading Nights

Learn about our Math & Reading Family Nights. Grades pre-K-5 participated in Family Learning Night this December.  They started the night with read aloud where parents heard ways to ask questions to their children during the book and how families can improve their reading stamina.  Just like in running, you have to build up to reading for an hour a day by practicing.  Students then went on a scavenger hunt to various reading and math centers where they got stamps on their passports.  After they went to five stations, they cashed in for a goodybag of prizes and a free book!  Watch how much fun the night was here.  

The goal of our Family Nights is to empower parents to extend learning into their homes and to provide parents with the skills and tools to use at home. For further information see our Math and Reading Student Resources.  We hope to see you at the next one!



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