Hispanic Heritage Month Celebrations at KP!

Celebrating ____ History Month at KP! (3).png

Here at KP, we are celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month with several activities students and families can partake!

Submit a video about your Hispanic/Latine Culture

In the link below, submit a video about your Hispanic/Latine Culture. This can be about your favorite type of food, clothes, culture, music, and more! Videos will be featured on our KPTV morning show, which is broadcast to all students.

By entering your video, you will be entered in a raffle for $50!

Thank you for your submissions. The link closed on Oct. 11. Winners will be annouced soon!

Student Art & Essay Contest

All KPES students will be asked to participate in this contest. It is optional, but students who submit their work will have a chance to earn $50! Thank you to the KPPTA's Diversity & Inclusion Committee for sponsering this event!

Kindergarten & 1st grade students will be working on art pieces representing Latino Leaders during their media center classes in October. 

2nd to 5th grade students are invited to submit an essay about a Latino Leader. Students can choose their leaders from the PTA Bullentin Board:


For more information, please view the KPPTA's D&I Poster for this event

All submissions are due by Oct. 15 via the email: KPPTADEICommittee@gmail.com