
Astronomy A students will explore introductory topics in Astronomy. They will investigate the history of Astronomy through the ages, focus on our solar system, then examine each planetary system in our solar system extensively. There will be labs, internet investigations, and projects that will allow students to better understand the various concepts within the solar system.

The following are topics covered in Astronomy A:

  • History of Astronomy
  • Ancient Astronomy
  • Copernican Revolution
  • Overview of the Solar System
  • Planetary Formation
  • Solar System Debris
  • Earth-Moon System
  • Comparative Planetology
  • Terrestrial Planets
  • Jovian Planets

In Astronomy B, students will explore introductory topics about the stars, galaxies, and the universe. Students will start with studying radiation and some Astronomy tools and reviewing the Sun, then proceed with exploring the stars and stellar evolution. Then they will continue with studying galaxies and cosmology. There will be labs, internet investigations, and projects that will allow the students better understand galaxies and cosmology.

The following are topics covered in Astronomy B:

  • Radiation, Spectroscopes, Telescopes
  • Life Cycle of Stars
  • Evolutionary stages
  • Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram
  • Its construction and use in star identification
  • Galaxy Classification
  • Composition, properties, distribution
  • Structure of the Universe
  • Formation of matter in the early universe
  • Formation of large-scale structures in the universe
  • Fate of the Universe
  • The Big Bang
  • Possible futures of the universe

There is no pre-requisite for Astronomy A or B. Astronomy A is independent of Astronomy B. The following textbook is required for Astronomy:

  • Astronomy Today – 5th ed. Prentice-Hall, 2005. ISBN 0-13-192492-3