

School Hours

School office hours are from 8:15 am to 4:30 pm. An answering machine is available to leave messages when the school office is closed(301-469-1038).  The school day for students is 9:25 am until 3:50 pm.  Students should not be dropped off before 9:05 am and may not enter the building before 9:05 am, as adequate supervision is not available.  On early dismissal days, all students are dismissed at 1:20 pm with regular bus service.


Students are encouraged to attend daily. Interruptions for family excursions or business are discouraged. As outlined in Maryland law, only the following are considered excused absences: (1) death in the immediate family; (2) illness of the child; (3) quarantine by the local Board of Health; (4) court summons; (5) violent storms; (6) activity approved by the school, MCPS, or the State Department of Education; (7) observance of a religious holiday; and (8) state of emergency.


If your child is absent from school, please call the 24-hour school telephone recorder and leave a message. Unless the school is notified of a child's absence, parents will be telephoned if their child is not in school. Upon the child's return to school, a written excuse that explains the reason for the absence is required.

After School Plans

Parents should provide notes when a child has any change in his/her after-school routine, including visits to friends. To minimize uncertainty, please make sure that your child has a clear understanding each morning of his/her after-school plans for that day. Students are released to persons listed as emergency contacts on their Student Emergency Information Sheets (yellow) only in cases of emergency. If a parent wants his/her child to go home with the person listed as an emergency contact, a note must be provided.

Late Entry

Children arriving at school after 9:25 am must first report to the office to sign in and receive a tardy slip. The child gives this tardy slip to the classroom teacher.

Early Departure

The instructional day ends at 3:50. Children must bring a permission note stating the date, time, and reason for any departure before that time. The parent should come to the office at the early departure time to sign out the child. Your child will be called to the office for early departure. Please do not pick up your child from the classroom. Your assistance is requested in limiting the number of early departures for your child. When your child leaves early, he or she is missing valuable classroom instruction. 

Snow Days

Schools may be closed because of inclement weather or other emergency reasons. Please listen to radio and television stations for information, usually available no later than 6:00 am. Major radio stations, like WTOP (1500 AM) and WMAL (630 AM) have agreed to report school closing details. Schools are notified, but usually only after the media have already begun broadcasting information. You may also call the county information line at 301-279-3673 or go to www.schoolsout.com. Please do not call the school.

Delayed Opening of School

When the situation warrants, the Superintendent may delay the opening of schools for two hours to permit MCPS buses and those students who walk to school to have safer conditions for travel. On these days, school starts at 11:25. Students may enter the building beginning at 11:05. Students will have lunch at the regular time. Students will be dismissed at 3:50, the regular end of the school day.

Early Dismissal Days

Early dismissal days are scheduled to allow for staff development sessions and for report card preparation. School is dismissed at 1:20 pm on these days. Children will be fed lunch and regular bus routes will operate. See the MCPS school calendar for scheduled early dismissal days.

Early Emergency Dismissal

When it is necessary to dismiss school early in emergency situations, (usually 2-1/2 hours) the plan is announced on cable television before 11:00 am, if possible. The county public information director also notifies radio and television stations. Buses will be summoned for their usual routes. Every effort will be made to follow the emergency plan submitted by the parents or guardian at the start of school. It is very important for emergency plans on file with the school to be accurate and up-to-date.


Should a child become ill or injured while at school, every attempt will be made to contact the parent/guardian. When parents cannot be reached, the person designated in the child's school records as the emergency contact will be called. Physician and emergency numbers need to be provided to the school and adjusted for changes. Remember to notify the office of changes. Should a child sustain a fever of 100 degrees or higher, we recommend that the child stay home for 24 hours. This decision is to be made by the parent. Please do not send sick children to school.


No medications (prescriptions or over-the-counter) will be administered in school by the Health Department or MCPS staff during school or school-sponsored activites without written authorization from the parent/guardian and a physician's written order.  Any prescribed medication that needs to be administered at school must be in the original bottle and must be accompanied by MCPS form 525-13 (Authorization to Administer Prescribed Medication).  All medications, written instructions and signed waivers must be hand-delivered to the school by a parent or guardian.  Under no circumstances may school personnel administer medications brought to school by a student.


All public school students must present proof that they have completed or updated required immunizations. Check with the Montgomery County Department of Health and Human Services, School Health Services, for specific requirements. Exceptions to the immunization requirements will be granted only for medical or religious reasons.


Classroom Extensions (Homework)

Homework provides further opportunities for reinforcement of concepts learned in the classroom. No assignments should be given on religious observances or prior to holidays unless they are long-term projects. Individual teachers will set guidelines for their own classes about how students get assignments when they have been absent. If parents have questions about this procedure, they should check with their child's teacher. A 24-hour notice is required for homework requests. Each returning student is given an extra day for each day absent to complete his or her work. If a trip is planned during the school year, homework from teachers should not be requested.


Important school information, notices and reminders are generally sent home in students' folders on Thursdays.  Updated PTA information will also be sent via Wildcats E-mail. Parent bulletins will be sent home periodically via email. For important reminders and events, the principal may record and send a Connect-Ed call to home phone numbers to provide parents with important information.


The optimum atmosphere for learning is our goal. Every effort will be made to create a positive, wholesome atmosphere. However, any misconduct that disrupts class work or affects the rights of others will not be tolerated. In no case will a child be kept after school without first notifying parents or caregivers. Please refer to the Seven Locks Student's Rights and Responsibilities Policy for additional information.

Forgotten Homework, Musical Instruments, Lunch, etc. 

Our teachers emphasize individual student responsibilities for coming to school prepared for each day. In the interest of supporting student responsibility, we discourage parents from bringing items to school that the child has forgotten. We will not interrupt classroom instruction for students to come to the office to receive these items. In cases of emergency, we will call students to the office before lunch or at the end of the day to pick up any material brought by the parents.

Inquiries and Complaints

The Board of Education encourages the response to citizen inquiries and complaints at the local school or at the lowest possible administrative level and by the informal process of cooperative agreement among the affected parties. If you have a question or concern, please contact the main office for assistance.

Lost Books

Lost or damaged books must be reported to the media center. Parents will be charged a replacement fee for any book that is lost or damaged beyond reasonable use. Students failing to meet their financial obligations will not be issued their report cards.

Lost and Found

Lost and found items other than textbooks and library books can be claimed in a bin located in the all-purpose room. Please make sure that your child's name is written inside all coats, jackets and sweatshirts, as well as on all mittens, lunchboxes, etc.  Unclaimed items are donated to a local charity at the end of each semester.


Parking on school property is very limited. Parking is not allowed in the bus loop parking lot (north lot) during bus loading and unloading between 8:50 am and 9:30 am, and between 3:30 pm and 4:15 pm when we are having dismissal. Parents who are dropping off or pickng up students in their cars should enter the south parking lot from Seven Locks Road and pull carefully along the curb. All drivers are asked to exercise extreme caution when driving in the school parking lot so that we can keep all of our students safe. For evening meetings, carpooling is encouraged, as parking lot space is limited.

School Buses

Students wishing to ride a school bus other than their regularly assigned bus, or to get off at a stop other than their own, must present a note stating the request and signed by their parent. Approval of the request is contingent upon availability of space. Any transportation inquiries, other than regarding a specific child, should be directed to the Bethesda Depot of the Montgomery County School Bus Transportation Department at 301-469-1029.

Student Dress and Grooming

We encourage students to dress appropriately for school and the weather. We ask that students be comfortable, and suitably groomed. Hats should be removed when in the school building. Parents will be contacted regarding dress that is not reasonable or is disruptive. During cold weather students should dress warmly for outdoor recess.


All emergency calls to students should be handled through the school secretary. Please do not ask to speak to a student during class hours. Students should make all necessary after school arrangements before leaving home each morning.  Students making outgoing calls must have a telephone pass and permission from the office.


State law requires that All VISITORS including VOLUNTEERS, report to the main office. Visitors must sign in and will be issued an identification badge which must be worn while on school property. This practice is for everyone's safety and protection.