Counseling Services and Program Information

Please feel free to contact your child's counselor with any concerns at 240-740-4210.

Student Opportunities

The JPMS Counseling Office provides information on a wide range of opportunities for students to participate in activities outside of school. Visit the Counseling office for information on volunteer, curriculum, and other opportunities in which student may participate.


JPMS Bullying Awareness Program

Bullying is defined as a form of aggression in which one or more students physically and/or psychologically ( or sexually) harass another student repeatedly over a period of time. Typically, the action is unprovoked and the bully is perceived as stronger than the Target. (Hazler, Hoover, Oliver, 1992; Olweus, 1991).

Addressing teasing, harassment and bullying has become a focus for middle schools nationwide. Each year at JPMS the counselors go into the classrooms to discuss these issues with the students. In addition, JPMS participates in a   cluster-wide Blue Ribbon Week which highlights positive ways to treat each other. 


Examples of Bullying  

  • Spreading bad rumors about people
  • Keeping certain people out of a "group"
  • Teasing people in a mean way
  • Getting certain people to "gang up" on others
  • Punching, shoving and other acts that hurt people physically
  • Computer

Bullying also can happen on-line or electronically. Cyber bullying is when children or teens bully each other using the internet, mobile phones or other cyber technology. This can include:

  • Sending mean text, e-mail, or instant messages
  • Posting nasty pictures or messages about others in blogs or on web sites; i.e. My Space, Xanga, etc.
  • Using someone else's user name to spread rumors or lies about someone

Unfortunately, not everyone takes bullying seriously, including adults. This is one of the main reasons that John Poole Middle School (JPMS) implements a school wide Bullying Awareness program.

Only by openly acknowledging the problems caused by bullying and by seeking to involve the whole school community: students, parents, teachers, and support staff can we hope to tackle it effectively. We are committed to the view that ALL members of the school community, students, staff and parents have a shared responsibility to ensure that a climate exists where bullying is unacceptable and will not be tolerated.

Reporting Bullying

Reporting Bullying is encouraged. Those who report bullying will be taken seriously and supported. The counseling department has given presentations to the student body, staff and parents of JPMS about the types of bullying, the serious consequences of bullying, and how JPMS is dealing with it. 

Be sure to include the date, time and where the bullying occurred, who was the target, the bully and the bystanders.

Bullying also can be reported to counselors, administrators, and any staff member.

MSDE has developed a standard victim reporting form that should be used by students, parents, or close adult relatives of students to report an incident. All reports will be dealt with sympathetically and together we will stamp out any bullying that might exist within JPMS. MCPS Bullying Form

Excellent Web Sites About Bullying


Student Recognition Programs


The staff of JPMS feels it is important to recognize students through honor roll, attendance, Leader of the Pack and PBIS PRIDE Props. The five areas recognized by PRIDE Props are:

  • Purpose
  • Respect
  • Integrity
  • Dedication
  • Effort

Another recognition program is the Leader of the Pack. This program is designed to recognize students who demonstrate our core values of Purpose, Respect, Integrity, Dedication, & Effort. Grade level teams elect a student who stands out from their peers for each core value. These students are recognized at a special ceremony the first Frdiay of each month with a certificate and a free ice cream treat.

High School Magnet Information

Attention to 8th grade parents of students who have been identified as Gifted and Talented: The information for the County High School Magnet programs will be coming out in October. Do not hesitate in attending the information meetings about these programs. The application process takes place in the fall and the testing is done soon after the new year. If you are interested in these programs, the information and applications will be available in the Counseling Services office in October.

For up-to-date information on the Poolesville High School Magnet, including upcoming informational meetings, visit the Magnet area of the Poolesville High School web site.

  • Career Day

    Every year, we hold our annual 8th grade Career Day. Parents and community members come for the morning to share their occupations with us! We always look for a variety of careers to represent all walks of life.

    Our 8th graders enjoy it when adults come and share their career experiences with them. If you are interested, or have a friend or neighbor who would like to participate in this year's Career Day, or if you have questions, please call the Counseling Office @ 240-740-4210.

    We also depend on parent helpers to organize this day and help with registration and hospitality. 


    All students will receive their schedules on the first day of school. If you have specific scheduling concerns or questions, please call your child's counselor. Unfortunately, we will not be providing any early copies of schedules to students or parents.


    A focuses every year is attendance. Please make it a priority to get your child to school on time each day. According to current research, school performance is directly affected by school attendance. In addition, practicing good attendance habits in school helps to make students into more responsible adults as well as to foster effective work habits. Awards will be presented to students for perfect attendance during each marking period.

    Change of Address or Family Information

    Please notify the Counseling Services Office concerning current custody arrangements. This information is held in a Confidential Folder in the Counseling Services Office. Only pertinent school personnel have access to these files. In addition, it is very important to have your yellow emergency cards up to date. The only people allowed to pick your child up for early dismissal are those listed on your emergency card. These restrictions are for the protection of your children. If you have any changes to your address from over the summer or any questions, please call Tammy Lightcap at 240-740-4210.