Homework Policy

The Purpose of Homework

The emphasis of homework should be placed on the value of the assignment for the child, rather on the time allotment needed for its completion.  The purpose of homework may be to:

  1. Strengthen basic skills.
  2. Extend and reinforce classroom instruction.
  3. Stimulate and further interests.
  4. Reinforce independent study skills.
  5. Develop initiative, responsibility, self-direction and organizational skills.

Suggested Time Allotments

The time allotted to homework should increase from grade to grade.  The following is a list of approximate daily time allotments (time may vary according to the child's instructional level).

Kindergarten: 10-15 minutes
Grade 1:  15 - 25 minutes
Grade 2:  20 - 30 minutes
Grade 3: 30 - 45 minutes
Grade 4:  45 - 60 minutes
Grade 5:  60 - 90 minutes

As a rule, no homework will be assigned on Friday.  The exception is when a student has not completed assigned work during the week, or is working on a long-term project.

Homework will not be assigned over a holiday period.

When enough time has been allowed in school for classwork and that work has not been completed, it may be assigned as homework, thereby exceeding the recommended daily time allotment for homework.

What Parents Can Do to Assist

While the child should assume the major responsibility for completing homework assignments, parents are encouraged to take an active interest in the child's homework by:

  1. Read with your child daily.  Make this a family reading time.  Reading should occur nightly, even if not specifically assigned.
  2. Providing a suitable study area that is quiet, comfortable, and free from disturbances.
  3. Providing a definite and consistent time for homework, study, and other home activities.
  4. Develop a schedule with your child and how time will be used from 3:30 p.m. through dinnertime to bedtime.
  5. Make available, if possible, resource materials such as:  dictionary, reference books, paper, ruler, crayons, calculator, etc.
  6. Assist your child with math facts, spelling words, writing assignments, etc.  Please do not do your child's homework for them.
  7. Check your child's work for neatness and legibility  (K-3 students should use pencils for written work).
  8. Arrange with the teacher for modified homework assignments when the child's physical condition necessitates certain limitations.
  9. Provide the child with a school planner in which he/she can fully record daily and long-term assignments.
  10. Arrange with the school to secure assignments during a period of absence due to illness.

*Teachers are not required to provide assignments when students are out due to family vacations.