Quarter 1: Curriculum 2.0

Week 5-6

This week students are focusing on explaining how friction affects the motion of an object. Students will be conducting experiments using sand paper and observing the changes in motion of a container full of sand makes. They will then be doing the same experiment, but using a spring scale to determine the amount of force (Newtons) used.

Students will also be conducting research this week into Newton's First Law of Motion. They will gather information from multiple resources (video, articles, books) in order to better grasp the concepts.

Another experiment students will be conducting this week involves a pendulum. Students will describe how changes in mass affects the motion of a pendulum. They will also look into how changing an objects mass affects the amount of force required to move the object.

Week 3-4

Students this week have begun working on their force and motion unit. They started out by identifying the three types of motion:

Periodic motion- patterns, pendulum

Variable motion- always changing, school bus

Uniform motion- stays the same, escalator

Students will use these types of motion to complete a lab in which they will have to identify a reference point, distance, speed and direction of moving objects.

Students will also analyze how all objects need a force in order to move, push or pull.

Later in the week, students will begin a discussion on gravity. They will analyze how objects can be tossed in the air and gravity will act against the force.

Students will end this week by completing an experiment where they will be using force to move containers across the floor. They will be using a spring scale and measuring the different amount of force they can use to move objects. They will be answering the question: If force increases, then the distance a mass will move ________________.

Week 1-2:

 Students will begin the year off by discussing strategies to use in order to reduce stress and manage their time. Students will spend a lot of time working in cooperative learning groups, while exploring force and motion topics. The fifth graders will be taking a closer look into the engineering process. They will be required to use this process to create an amusement park ride. This assignment will be worked on in class throughout the entire quarter. 

  This year in 5th grade, there will be a strong emphasis on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics). Students will work cooperatively to solve real world problems. This week, students will have to create a tower. They will be given materials (spaghetti, string, tape and a marshmallow)  and asked to create the tallest free standing structure they can. Students will have to collaborate with their peers in order to be successful.

UNIT 1 Overview: Force, Motion and Energy

Student will participate in hands on experiments using the 5-E model. They will be engaging, exploring, explaining, evaluated, and enriched in the concepts in this unit. The lessons they will participate in are as follows:

1.) A force is a push or pull

2.) Frame of reference

3.) Types of motion

4.) Comparing types of motion

5.) Calculating speed

6.)The relationship between force and mass

7.) Gravity and Friction

8.) Friction and motion

9.) The relationship between force and mass

10.) The two states of energy: kinetic and potential

11.) Natural Resource for energy

12.) Force, motion and energy review


Push, Pull, Gravity, Force, Motion, Uniform Motion, Variable Motion, Periodic Motion, Reference Point, Frame of Reference, Newton's Laws of Motion, Speed, Dependent Variable, Independent Variable, Control Variable, Weight, Mass, Distance, Time, Direction, Quantitative Data, Qualitative Data, Friction, Velocity, Acceleration.

FIFTH GRADE SOCIAL STUDIES                                     

Quarter 1: Curriculum 2.0

Week 1-2: 

Students will begin this year in social studies by discussing how to work in cooperative learning groups and what it means to compromise. This will then lead into the creation of a class mission statement and ground rules.

5th graders will then being to looking into the life of colonial americans. They will analyze the role of men and women during this time period. These discussion will lead students to realize the growing tensions between the colonists and British troops. Next, students will begin their study of the French and Indian War, focusing on the events and fallout that occurred following the war.

UNIT 1: Citizens in Action: The Colonist Revolt

Students will continue the chronological study of the United States History. Students will participate in the following lessons:

1.) Rights an Responsibilities of Citizens of the United States

2.) Working within the political system to create change

3.) Create chronological time line of the 5-Eras of the United States history

4.) Analyze the French and Indian War

5.) Create a list of grievances the colonist had against Britain 

6.) Identify daily events in colonial times

7.) Identify how tension grew between the colonists and Britain

8.)Classify actions of colonists that were neutralist, patriots or loyalists

9.)Analyze primary and secondary sources to determine who was to blame for the Boston Massacre

10.) Analyze symbols and slogans from the Revolutionary Period