
Homework goes home once a week and the due date will be on the assignment.  There will be a reading assignment, a math assignment, and a request that your child share with you something that he or she has learned that week.  The assignment will be returned to the children with a written comment from the teacher.  If your child is unable to do the math assignment independently, we ask that you stop him or her after 10 minutes and make a note for the teacher that your child has attempted to do the problem for 10 minutes.

Kindergarten  -Reading books will be sent home on Thursday and returned by Monday

1st Grade - monthly homework calendar

2nd Grade  - send home Wednesday, return the following Wednesday (Starting in October)

3rd Grade  - send home Monday, return on Thursday

4th Grade - send home Monday, return on Friday

5th Grade  - send home Monday, return on Friday


Field Trips

At Stedwick all grades and classes teach the MCPS curriculum, which means that the learning content is the same as that of all other MCPS schools.  We use Project Based Learning as the main strategy for learning that curriculum.  Different classes may be working on different projects at the same grade level because teachers try to identify projects that will appeal to the students' interests in their individual rooms to engage students at the highest level possible.  The greater the student engagement in the project, the greater the learning that results.  

Consequently, it is possible that different classes go on different field trips even though they are at the same grade because the field trip is connected to the class project.