Board Meeting Highlights for March 11

March 12, 2003
The Board of Education met on Tuesday [March 11] and, among other items, approved contractual agreements with two employee organizations and revisions to the school calendar necessitated by snow emergencies.

In addition, the Board discussed pre-kindergarten programs and emergency preparedness. The Board also approved fees for summer and adult programs and approved a revision in the Board Academic Priorities.

The Board approved positions on items of legislation before the Maryland General Assembly, recognized teachers who recently attained national certification, and discussed a pilot procedure on a kindergarten age of entry waiver.

Contractual Agreements

The Board approved contractual agreements with the Montgomery County Association of Administrative and Supervisory Personnel and with the Montgomery County Council of Supporting Services Employees.

Revision to School Calendar

The Board approved revisions to the school calendar necessitated by snow emergencies that include extension of the school year by two days, opening schools on a previously scheduled professional day (March 19), and requesting waivers for three days from the State Board of Education. State Superintendent Grasmick has indicated that school systems would be granted waivers for two days. Should a waiver for a third day not be granted, the Board authorized the superintendent to open schools and administrative offices on the previously scheduled holiday of Monday, April 21.

Pre-Kindergarten Programs

The Board discussed the pre-kindergarten programs available through the school system and efforts being made to extend quality preschool programs and wraparound services to all students who qualify on the basis of family income.

Fees for Summer School and Other Programs

The Board voted to increase summer school enterprise fund fees by $25 for elementary courses and high school courses. Summer school enterprise fund reduced fees were increased by $5. No changes were made to the non-enterprise summer school, adult education, GED, and evening high school fee structure.

Revised Board Academic Priorities

The Board voted to affirm its academic priorities for 2003-2007 with a revision in wording that reflects and emphasizes the ongoing relationship with its employee organizations.

Emergency Preparedness

The Board received an update on the school system's coordinated preparedness for emergency situations. Supporting materials include training videotapes for schools on Code Blue and Code Red procedures.

Items of Legislation

The Board voted positions on several items of legislation pending in the Maryland General Assembly.

Recognition of Nationally Certified Teachers

The Board recognized the accomplishments of 32 teachers who successfully completed the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards process and received National Board certification in November 2002.

Entry into Kindergarten

The Board discussed a pilot procedure that will allow parents of children within a month of the state eligibility age for kindergarten to request an opportunity to participate in kindergarten orientation and an evaluation for possible early enrollment.

Board of Education: Mrs. Patricia B. O’Neill, president; Ms. Sharon W. Cox, vice president. Members: Mr. Kermit V. Burnett, Mr. Reginald M. Felton, Dr. Charles Haughey, Mr. Walter N. Lange, Mr. Gabe Romero, and Mr. Mihyar Alnifaidy, student member. Dr. Jerry D. Weast, superintendent and secretary treasurer. Office of the Board: 301-279-3617.

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