Board Reviews Update on Technology, Appoints Four Administrators, and Approves Architectural Plans

January 10, 2001
The Board of Education met yesterday [January 9] and, among other items, reviewed an update on the activities of the Office of Global Access Technology and made four administrative appointments. The Board also reviewed four preliminary architectural plans and approved the observance of African American History Month in the school system.

Update on Activities of the Office of Global Access Technology

The Board reviewed an update on the plans and activities of the Office of Global Access Technology that focus on the use of technology in instruction and establishment of a technology modernization program. The briefing also included the status of key information system initiatives, including the data warehouse, the Human Resources Information System, and information systems for student data.

Administrative Appointments

The Board approved the following administrative appointments:

Dr. Theresa M. Flak, currently deputy superintendent of the Washington County Public Schools, Maryland, as community superintendent for the Montgomery Blair, Albert Einstein, and John F. Kennedy clusters.

Dale Fulton, currently director of High School Instruction, as director, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, Office of Instruction and Program Development.

Judy L. Brubaker, currently principal, Germantown Elementary School, as principal of the planned Northwest Elementary School #6.

Sherwin A. Collette, currently director, Interagency Technology Policy, Montgomery County Council, as special assistant for special projects and grants, Office of Global Access Technology.

Architectural Plans

The Board approved preliminary plans for Albert Einstein Middle School #2, modernization of Glen Haven Elementary School, and gymnasium additions for Ashburton and Sally K. Ride elementary schools.

African American History Month

The Board approved the observance of February 2001 as African American History Month and encouraged staff, students, parents, and community to actively engage in this observance of the contributions of African Americans locally and nationwide.

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