Board of Education to Meet on Monday, October 22

October 18, 2012
The Montgomery County Board of Education will meet on Monday, October 22, 2012, at the Carver Educational Services Center, 850 Hungerford Drive in Rockville. The meeting will begin at 5 p.m., with public agenda items beginning at 6 p.m. The public portion of the meeting will be broadcast live on the MCPS website and on MCPS TV (Comcast Channel 34).

The agenda for the meeting is below. The full agenda, with links to related materials, can be found on the
Board of Education website.

(A) Action
(D) Discussion
(I) Information
(R) Recognition

5:00 p.m.: Acknowledgment of a Quorum
1.1  Resolution for Today’s Closed Session (A)

6:00 p.m.: Pledge of Allegiance (A)
2.1 Approval of the Agenda (A)
2.2 Superintendent’s Annual Mark Mann Excellence and Harmony Award (A)

6:05 p.m.:
Public Comments

6:35 p.m.: Board/Superintendent Comments

6:55 p.m.: Consent Items

3.1.1 Contracts of $25,000 or More (A)#
3.1.2 Contract Approval for Bid No. 4193.2, Life Insurance Plans (A)#

3.2.1 Delegation of Authority to Exercise Permanent Easements and Rights-of-Way, Memorandum of Understandings, and Related Agreements of a Routine Nature (A)#

3.3.1 Utilization of the FY 2013 Provision for Future Supported Projects (A)#

7:00 p.m.: Human Resources and Development Appointment (A)

7:05 p.m.:  Final Action on Policy JPD, Emergency Care for Students Experiencing Anaphylaxis (A)

7:30 p.m.: Core Values

8:00 p.m.: Recommendation for Legal Services (A)

8:30 p.m.: Legislative Platform (D/A)

9:00 p.m.: Board of Education Items
9.1 Future Closed Session Resolution (A)
9.2 Report of Closed Session (A)
9.3 Appeals (A)
9.4 Minutes (September 24, 2012) (A)
9.5 New Business

9:15 p.m.: Adjournment (A)

# student vote does not count. Four votes needed for adoption.

* times listed are intended for guidance only; unless changed by the Board, the order in which items appear will be followed.

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