Board Approves Policy on Middle School Education

February 27, 2007
The Board of Education met on Monday (February 26) and, among other items, approved a policy on middle school education, made an administrative appointment, and voted positions on items of legislation before the Maryland General Assembly. The Board also approved preliminary plans for modernization of Cashell and Bells Mill elementary schools. In addition, the Board rescinded a policy on preemployment physical examinations, submitted a list of potential names for Downcounty Consortium Elementary School #28, and discussed an update of the financial management system. The Board also approved the observance of Women’s History Month.

Final Action on Policy IEB, Middle School Education

The Board approved revised Policy IEB, Middle School Education. The policy provides direction for a rigorous and challenging middle school education program. The revision was developed with the collaboration of a steering committee comprising community and parent stakeholders, as well as representatives from school and administrative offices.


The Board approved the following administrative appointment:

Robert B. Hellmuth, currently acting director, Department of School Safety and Security, as director, Department of School Safety and Security.

Items of Legislation

The Board voted their positions on items of legislation relating to education that are before the Maryland General Assembly.

Presentation of Preliminary Plans

The Board approved preliminary plans for modernization of Cashell and Bells Mill elementary schools.

Rescission of Policy GDA, Preemployment Physical Examinations

The Board voted to rescind Policy GDA, Preemployment Physical Examinations. Maryland law that previously required medical examinations prior to employment in a public school has been rescinded, and Montgomery County Public Schools does not make a physical examination a requirement for employment independent of state law.

Naming of Downcounty Consortium ES #28

The Board of Education submitted the following names to the principal of Downcounty Consortium Elementary School #28 for consideration by the school naming committee: Sandra Day O’Connor, Harriet Tubman, Frederick Douglass, and Arcola. The naming committee may add up to two more names and then submit the list in priority order for final approval by the Board.

Financial Management System

The Board reviewed progress on implementation of the new Financial Management System (FMS), which will support ongoing programs with improved management and financial operations information and improved financial monitoring and reporting. School staff will begin using the new FMS for requisitions and inventory on May 30, 2007.

Women’s History Month

The Board approved the observance of Women’s History Month in March as part of a national celebration to help create an awareness and appreciation of the often unrecognized contributions of women. The theme of this year’s celebration in Maryland is “Generations of Women Moving History Forward.”

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