High Schools To Pilot Green Industry Programs

January 29, 2007
Nine Montgomery County Schools to Launch Green Industry Programs

Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) will announce the creation of three green industry programs to be piloted at nine high schools in the fall. The announcement will be made at the Montgomery Green Industry Youth Summit at Brookside Gardens on Thursday, February 1. The event is sponsored by the Montgomery County Cluster Advisory Board for Environmental, Horticultural, and Natural Resource Programs and will take place in the park conservatory from 9:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

The summit will bring together leaders from education, government, and business to shape the curriculum pathways for environmental horticulture, green industry management, and landscape design. Bruce Allentuck, president of Allentuck Landscaping Company, is Cluster Advisory Board president and will preside over the summit.

Each curriculum pathway will include a multi-year course of study, research, advanced placement courses and college credit, and capstone experiences that include internships. Business and postsecondary partners will serve as technical advisors and leverage resources to link classroom learning with college programs and the workplace.

The green industry programs will be piloted in fall 2007 at Clarksburg, Col. Zadok Magruder, Damascus, Gaithersburg, Poolesville, Rockville, Sherwood, Watkins Mill, and Wheaton high schools.

Brookside Gardens is located within Wheaton Regional Park at 1800 Glenallan Ave. in Wheaton. In the event of inclement weather, the event will take place on Friday, February 2. For additional program information, contact program coordinator Ed Ball at 240-632-6932 or

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