Students Score Well on TerraNova Assessment

August 4, 2006
Results Provide Baseline Data to Measure Student Achievement Over Time

Second grade students in Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) performed well in the first administration of the TerraNova second edition (TN/2) assessments in reading, language, and mathematics. The national norm or average score for TN/2 tests is expressed as the 50th normal curve equivalent, or NCE. Depending on subject area, two thirds to three quarters of MCPS Grade 2 students exceeded the 50th NCE in the six categories of reading, language, mathematics, language mechanics, mathematics computation, and overall or composite score.

“This is an important development in improved assessment and accountability for MCPS,” said Superintendent Jerry D. Weast in a memorandum to the Board of Education. “The TN/2 provides more opportunity to measure students’ academic growth by allowing comparisons of groups of students over time.”

Although all student subgroups performed well, there continue to be performance gaps in student achievement. For example, African American and Hispanic students scored near or slightly above the national norm (50th NCE) for all students, while Asian American and White students were more likely to score above the 75th NCE.

The TN/2 was administered to MCPS students for the first time this year, and the results will be used as baseline data. The TN/2 replaces the Comprehensive Tests of Basic Skills (CTBS), formerly used to compare MCPS Grade 2 student performance in reading and mathematics with national achievement levels. The new test provides a more accurate reflection of national norms.

Later this month, home reports will be sent to the parents of students who were tested, and individual elementary schools will receive more detailed information about the performance of their students.

More complete information about the results of this administration of the TN/2 is available at the links below.

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