Comments on Amendments to Student Transfer Board Policy Due by April 21

February 28, 2020

The Montgomery County Board of Education is proposing amendments to Board Policy JEE, Student Transfers, and is seeking public comment on the amendments. 

The purpose of this policy is to explain the limited circumstances under which students may be granted a transfer, referred to as a Change of School Assignment (COSA), to attend a school other than their home school or the school assigned in accordance with their Individualized Education Program (IEP). Last out for public comment from November 12, 2019, to December 19, 2019, revisions were made to the draft policy to address comments received by the Board during the public comment period and the public is now being asked to review the policy again. Highlights of the Board's amendments include the following topics: 

  • unique hardships that may qualify students for transfers based on family circumstances; 
  • extenuating circumstances related to the medical, emotional or social well-being of a student; 
  • child care needs may be considered a unique hardship for a transfer but the circumstances related must be extremely significant for students beyond the elementary level; 
  • clarification of the provision for receiving a transfer based on a sibling's school of attendance, and definition of siblings; 
  • clarification of transfers for family moves within the school year are granted for the remainder of the school year; 
  • conditions for approving transfers of eligible children of staff members; 
  • academic transfers for high school students; 
  • consideration of school underutilization in granting a COSA; and
  • adjustments to make reapplication procedures more consistent for students on approved transfers transitioning from elementary to middle school or middle to high school.  

Comments on Policy JEE are due by Tuesday, April 21, 2020.

Read draft Board Policy JEE. The draft policy will also be available in Spanish, French, Chinese, Amharic, Vietnamese and Korean. 

Comment on draft Board Policy JEE here.

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