Executive Summary: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 2000 SAT Report: HOME

2000 Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT) Results for Montgomery County Public Schools


Students who have received special services tend to score lower than other students.
Students with identified needs receive various support services from MCPS such as free and reduced-priced meals (FARMS), special education services or English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)1. The performance of these students on the SAT tends to be somewhat lower than that of students not receiving such services. For example, Table 4 (below) shows that the students who had ever received FARMS scored 190 points lower on the SAT total scale (about one standard deviation) than did the students who had never received this support. Fifty-six seniors had received intensive special education services at some time in MCPS, and their scores averaged 272 points lower on the SAT total scale than did the students who had never received special education services of 15 or more hours per week. Student who had at some time in MCPS received ESOL services averaged 136 points lower than did other students. Analyses of prior years revealed similar patterns for students receiving support services.

1 Data for this analysis are derived from the MCPS student database because The College Board does not have information about student support services. This means that the number of students in the analysis is not the same as the number reported from the College Board as having taken the SAT in the Class of 2000.

Table 4
Average SAT Total Scores for
Students Receiving Support Services

Verbal Math Total Number
Free and Reduced
Priced Meals
Never 559 576 1134 4645
Now/Ever 456 488 944 1213
Special Education Never 539 559 1098 5802
Now/Ever 412 414 826 56
ESOL Never 550 563 1113 5086
Now/Ever 452 524 977 772

Executive Summary: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 2000 SAT Report: HOME

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Last Updated on September 13, 2000