JHF-RA, Student Bullying, Harassment, or Intimidation

About this Regulation

Regulation: JHF-RA

Last revised: June 26, 2018


Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) believes that academic achievement and social growth occur when students and staff feel safe. Bullying, harassment, or intimidation interferes with the safe operation of schools. Students who are bullied, students who bully, and students who are bystanders are at risk of experiencing a range of negative health, safety, and educational outcomes. This regulation provides procedures that address the prohibition of bullying in schools by implementing prevention, early intervention, remedial activities, and specific consequences as needed, and guard against reprisal or retaliation against individuals who report acts of bullying.

Adobe PDF JHF-RA, Student Bullying, Harassment, or Intimidation 56 K
Adobe PDF JHF-RA, Acoso Escolar, Hostigamiento o Intimidación Estudiantil571 K
Adobe PDF JHF-RA, Brimade, Harcèlement, ou Intimidation d'Élèves578 K
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Adobe PDF JHF-RA, 學生霸凌、騷擾或恐嚇727 K
Adobe PDF JHF-RA, 학생 괴롭히기/왕따, 희롱 및 협박 행위652 K
Adobe PDF JHF-RA, ተማሪን ማጥቃት፣ትንኮሳ፣ ወይም ማስፈራራት476 K