JGB-RA, Search and Seizure

About this Regulation

Regulation: JGB-RA

Last revised: June 08, 2023


To specify the conditions under which Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) staff members may conduct a search and seizure, which is defined as examining a student’s person or property with the intent of discovering an item or items, the possession or inappropriate use of which is prohibited by Maryland law, Montgomery County Board of Education policy or MCPS regulation or rule, and the procedures by which MCPS staff members may take possession of discovered items.

Procedures for search and seizure of students’ possessions, or school-supplied items, by law enforcement officers will be in accordance with state law. Community engagement officers (CEOs) are law enforcement officers and are not considered MCPS staff members.

Every effort will be made to conduct searches and seizures in a manner that will minimize disruption of the normal school routine and minimize embarrassment to students affected.

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