FormsParents & StudentsEnrollment/Records → Dual Credit Refusal Form

Dual Credit Refusal Form

About this Form

Form number: 280-93

Audience:  Parents/Guardians, School Staff, Students

Last revised: March 2024

All college courses on the approved list are eligible for advanced level high school credit. Advanced level credits positively impact the weighted grade point average (WGPA) and assist in meeting high school credits needed for graduation. The grade earned and credit posting to the high school transcript will be automatic if the course is pre-approved for high school credit and taken at Montgomery College. All posting of credit for courses that are pre-approved for high school credit and taken at other colleges/universities will go through the high school registrar or counselor once the student submits the college/university official transcript. If students do not wish to receive high school credit for college courses, OR they wish to take a college course that is not approvedfor high school credit, students must complete Parts I, II, and III below before returning this form to the school’s Dual Enrollment Program Assistant (DEPA). Otherwise, students only need to complete Part I, initial the bottom of the page, and return the form to the high school counselor. All decisions related to the refusal of credit or enrollment in college courses not approved for high school credit must be made during the course scheduling process and are final.

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