FormsParents & StudentsEnrollment/Records → Request for Waiver of the Fourth Year Enrollment Requirement

Request for Waiver of the Fourth Year Enrollment Requirement

About this Form

Form number: 280-97

Audience:  Parents/Guardians, School Staff, Students

Last revised: May 2008

NOTE TO STUDENT AND PARENT/GUARDIAN: Maryland State law on graduation requires 4 years of enrollment in high school. A student may request a waiver of this requirement. To qualify for a waiver the student must have met all other MCPS graduation requirements and demonstrated to the principal that a waiver is in their best educational and development interest (e.g., early acceptance into a postsecondary program). (See MCPS Regulation ISB-RA.) This form is to be completed by the student and parent/guardian and submitted to the school counselor.

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