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U.S. History B

The Truman Years and The Eisenhower Years

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McCarthyism: The Effects of the Anti-Communism Fear

Skill: Reading a Timeline

Senator Joseph McCarthy

(undated photo, Associated Press)

Purpose: What you will learn:

You will read a flowchart that explains the anticommunist hysteria in the U.S. in the 1940s and 1950s, which became known as "McCarthyism." You will understand who Senator Joseph McCarthy was and be able to discuss the effects of his anticommunist campaign.

Step 1: Scroll down through the timeline, which shows you the progression of anticommunist hysteria in the U.S. in the 1940s and 1950s. Read carefully.

This symbol contains the dates and primary information in the timeline.

This symbol provides additional information to the main event.

This symbol contains definitions and points out ironic situations.

<-- Click here to go to the timeline

Step 2. After you have read the timeline carefully, reflect on what happened and complete one of the writing assignments below.


Think about the events that led to McCarthy's accusations and the fears that Americans had about Communism. Was this panic justified? Before you use your 21st century ideals and say "no," think about the events in the Soviet Union and China, and the accusations against Alger Hiss and the Rosenbergs.

Imagine you heard a government official say (in 1953), "These actions are necessary to protect the United States. If some innocent people experience some discomfort in the process, we're sorry, but it is for the protection of all." Given the events of the time, evaluate this statement and state an opinion.

A complete answer will review some of the most important events of the anticommunist movement, evaluate the actions of the House Un-American Activities Committee and Senator Joseph McCarthy, and state an opinion regarding what happened.


What was the price of the anticommunism activities that came to be known as McCarthyism? Thousands of people lost their jobs, were blacklisted, or were never hired. Thousands more decided to keep their opinions private, rather than express them and be accused of communism. We will never know how many books were not written, movies were not made, songs were not sung, and paintings were not painted as a result of McCarthyism. We will never know what great leaders decided not to run for office.

Write a Brief Constructed Response expressing your opinion of the short-term and long-term effects of McCarthyism.


When Edward R. Murrow profiled Senator Joseph McCarthy on his television program "See It Now," he commented, "We must not confuse dissent with disloyalty." What did he mean by this, and how could it be applied today?

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Created by:

Mary D.P. Wagner

Social Studies Teacher

James Hubert Blake High School

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