Board Tentatively Approves Policy On English Language Learners, Appoints Two New Principals, Names Three New Schools

May 12, 1999
The Board of Education met yesterday [Tuesday, May 11] and, among other items, approved for community comment a newly revised and updated policy on the education of English language learners, approved the appointment of two new principals, and named three new schools.

The Board also discussed the development of curriculum and honored personnel who work in school food and nutrition services.

Policy IOD, Education of English Language Learners

The Board tentatively approved for community comment a revision and update of policy IOD "Education of Limited English Proficient Students." The revised policy, renamed "Education of English Language Learners," reaffirms the education of English language learners as a high priority of the school system and ensures compliance with federal and state mandates.

Personnel Appointments

The Board approved the following administrative appointments:

  • Barbara E. Haughey, currently an elementary intern at Oak View Elementary School, as the new principal of Ashburton Elementary School.

  • Mary J. Wilson, currently interim principal at Thurgood Marshall Elementary School, as principal of the school.

    Naming of New Schools

    The Board approved the names of new schools scheduled to open next year:

  • North Bethesda Middle School as the new name for Walter Johnson middle school #2.

  • Shady Grove Middle School as the new name for Col. Zadok Magruder middle school #2.

  • Sligo Creek Elementary School as the new name for Montgomery Blair elementary school #11 (which will be located at the former high school site, along with the new Silver Spring International Middle School).

    Revisions to Curricula

    The Board held a discussion on ongoing revisions to curricula, including elementary science, secondary science, elementary social studies, secondary social studies, and secondary English curricula, including how curricula address content and performance standards and other accountability measures.

    Salute to School Food and Nutrition Service Personnel

    The Board approved the recognition of School Food and Nutrition Service personnel "for their dedication and continuing commitment to feeding and educating students and offering a variety of nutrition services to the community."

    The Board also honored the following staff:

  • Mary Belin, cafeteria manager at Sligo Middle School

  • Diane Brooks, cafeteria worker at New Hampshire Estates Elementary School

  • Bobby Hebron, central production facility mechanic

  • Jennette Laban, cafeteria worker at Clopper Mill Elementary School

  • Clara "Pete" McDonald, cafeteria manager at Ridgeview Middle School

  • Betty Riggs, food service satellite manager at South Lake Elementary School

  • Terri Tenly, warehouse supervisor, Division of Food and Nutrition Services Warehouse

    Board of Education: Mr. Reginald M. Felton, president; Mrs. Patricia O'Neill, vice president. Members: Mr. Steve Abrams, Mr. Kermit V. Burnett, Mrs. Beatrice Gordon, Ms. Nancy J. King, Ms. Mona M. Signer, and Mr. Geonard Butler, Jr., student member. Dr. Paul L. Vance, superintendent and secretary treasurer. Office of the Board: 301-279-3617

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