Open Letter to the Community

May 6, 1999
Board of Education of Montgomery County

April 6, 1999

Open Letter to the Community:

The Board of Education of Montgomery County shares the public anxiety about the rumors concerning Monday, May 10. We have heard from many parents, employees, and members of the community who are apprehensive about what they read and hear through the media and what their children are telling them at home. We want to reiterate the message everyone should hear today: The rumors are unsubstantiated, and they are intended to frighten people.

The rumors started as a way to disrupt our schools and the schools of every school district in the Washington area and across the nation. The rumors have been repeated endlessly in the media and spread throughout the Internet. Some young people are helping to spread the rumors in the hopes of canceling classes on Monday. We do not want them to be successful. We need the help of the media, the community at large, all parents and staff and, most importantly, the students themselves to spread the message that the rumors are false.

We want to commend the principals and staff of our schools and the superintendent of schools, Dr. Paul L. Vance, for taking every effort to calm the school community and reassure parents, students, and staff about the safety and security of our schools. Please work with them to end the rumors and regain the focus on teaching and learning that remains the hallmark of the Montgomery County Public Schools.


Reginald M. Felton


Board of Education

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