Gaithersburg ES to Celebrate Walk to School Day Oct. 4

September 29, 2006
County officials, students, and parents will join together in celebrating Walk to School Day at Gaithersburg Elementary School. The event will take place on Wednesday, October 4, beginning at 8:15 a.m.

Event information:

8:15 a.m.: Walk Begins
Crestwood Terrace Apartments
325 North Summit Avenue, Gaithersburg, MD

9:00 a.m.: Program
Gaithersburg Elementary School
35 North Summit Avenue, Gaithersburg, MD

Scheduled speakers include:

- Principal Sharon Jones, Gaithersburg Elementary School
- Mr. Christopher Chee, Gaithersburg Elementary Safety Patrol
- Dr. Jerry D. Weast, Superintendent, Montgomery County Public Schools
- Chief Thomas Carr, Montgomery County Fire and Rescue
- Chief Mary Ann Viverette, Gaithersburg City Police
- The Honorable William Bronrott, Maryland House of Delegates
- The Honorable Henry Marraffa, Council Member, City of Gaithersburg
- The Honorable Michael Sesma, Council Member, City of Gaithersburg
- Mr. Pat. Lewis, Senior Manager, Federal Express

Participants will walk from Crestwood Terrace Apartments to Gaithersburg Elementary School in order to bring attention to the need for physical activity as part of a healthy lifestyle. Other objectives of Walk to School Day include reducing traffic congestion, pollution, and speed near schools; promoting safe walking skills; and sharing time with community leaders, parents, and children. Last year, more than 3500 schools across the United States participated in the program.

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