Policy Committee To Consider Flier Policy Revisions

August 25, 2006
Board Also Reviews Opening of School, Approves
Appointment of Two Administrators

The Board of Education met on Thursday, August 24, 2006, and, among other items, recommended that the Board Policy Committee consider Superintendent Weast's proposed revisions to the district's flier distribution policy. The Board also approved two administrative appointments, reviewed readiness for the opening of schools, and discussed the recommendations of the Girls in Information Technology Task Force Report. The Board also discussed a human resources update on school system efforts to address Goal 4 in the school system’s strategic plan, “Create a Positive Work Environment in a Self-renewing Organization.”

Recommendation on Former Policy CNA, Distribution of Informational Material and Announcements

The Board instructed the Policy Committee of the Board of Education to consider Superintendent Weast's proposed revisions to the district's flier distribution policy. The previous policy was found to be unconstitutional in certain respects by a federal appeals court on August 10. The superintendent’s plan retains the past distribution practices giving individual school PTAs and the Montgomery County Council of PTAs full access to distribute fliers and materials via backpacks. It also establishes a process to allow nongovernmental community organizations and businesses to distribute informational material directly to students at least four times a year on a schedule to be decided. The Policy Committee will meet on August 30 and the Board is tentatively scheduled to act on the committee’s recommendation later that same day.

Opening of School

The Board and staff reviewed preparations for the new school year, including opening five new school facilities and expanding full-day kindergarten to all 123 elementary schools.


The Board approved the following administrative appointments:

• Joel S. Smetanka, currently instructional specialist/technology consultant, Department of Technology Consulting and Communications, Office of Organizational Development, as supervisor, Professional Development Online System, Office of Information and Organizational Systems

• Denise B. Stultz, currently coordinator, Special Initiatives, Department of Instructional Programs, as supervisor, Division of Family and Community Partnerships, Department of Communications

Girls in Information Technology Task Force Report

The Montgomery County Girls in Instructional Technology (IT) Task Force presented a number of recommendations to the Board designed to encourage girls to enter information technology-related fields. Recommendations included creating a comprehensive marketing plan to raise parental awareness of the skills and talents vital to technology-related professions, embedding more information technology in school programs and courses, and creating a culture that supports and encourages girls to pursue IT-related career choices.

Human Resources

The Board discussed an update on the ongoing strategies to recruit, retain, and support a highly qualified workforce that reflects the diversity of the community. The school system efforts, in partnership with employee unions, include providing employees with competitive salaries and benefits, expanding skills and expertise through professional growth and staff development, and implementing rigorous evaluation standards and expectations.

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