July 18, 2006 Board of Education Meeting Summary

July 19, 2006
Board Appoints 13 Administrators, Approves Policies on Community Involvement and the Education of Students with Disabilities, and Honors Superintendent Jerry D. Weast for His Leadership of MCPS

ROCKVILLE, MD—The Board of Education met on Tuesday, July 18, 2006, and, among other items, appointed 13 administrators and approved policies on community involvement and the education of students with disabilities. In addition, the Board honored Superintendent Jerry D. Weast on the occasion of his 30th anniversary as a school superintendent and commended him for a “job expertly done in Montgomery County” and strongly endorsed his vision of continuing excellence in teaching and learning.

The Board also discussed and approved the updated strategic plan for the system – Our Call to Action: Pursuit of Excellence and selected a new site for a future high school in the central part of the county.

Amended Agreement with Montgomery County Education Association

The Board also voted to approve amendments to its contract with the Montgomery County Education Association (MCEA) for the 2006-2007 school year that reinforce and stress the importance of collaboration at all levels, address some issues related to the importance of time as a resource for teachers and call for the school system and MCEA to consider the time impact on teachers of decisions and initiatives. The amendments recognize the time demands on teachers as they do their jobs and as they work to implement MCPS reforms to improve student achievement. Collaborative efforts and decisions are recognized and reinforced.

Final Action on Policy ABA, Community Involvement

The Board unanimously approved Policy ABA, Community Involvement. The revised policy articulates that schools, parents, community organizations, and others are stakeholders in ensuring a quality education for all students. The policy establishes that the community, schools, and parents must work as knowledgeable partners to successfully educate all students. The revised policy expresses a desire that there be greater, and more diverse, input from the community on education matters.

Final Action on Policy IOB, Education of Students with Disabilities

The Board unanimously adopted Policy IOB, Education of Students with Disabilities, which reflects the changes in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Policy IOB affirms the Board’s commitment to the principles in federal and state law regarding the provision of a free and appropriate public education, the protection of the rights of all eligible students with disabilities, and the principle that every child can learn and succeed. The policy was predicated upon the deliberations of a work group comprised of community members and MCPS staff.

New High School Site Selected

The Board accepted staff recommendations to select a 33-acre parcel on the Crown Farm site in the Gaithersburg area as the future site for the county’s 26th high school. The approved FY 2007-2012 Capital Improvements Program includes an assessment of the need for a new central area high school to provide relief for Gaithersburg, Northwest, Quince Orchard, and Thomas S. Wootton high schools. No funding for construction of a high school is included in the five-year capital plan.

Resources to Fund Automated External Defibrillator Program

During the 2006 legislative session, the Maryland Senate and House of Delegates passed a bill requiring local boards of education to develop an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) program for all high schools. Each high school must have an AED and have a staff member trained in using the device. The General Assembly did not include any funding to pay for the program.

The Board approved a request for a $400,000 supplemental appropriation from Montgomery County to pay for the program.

Green Schools Discussion

The Board received an update on the Green Schools program, an effort to improve the energy efficiency and operations of schools. Members of the Energy Resource Team work with individual schools to create plans to help schools manage and reduce their energy consumption.

The MCPS Energy Resource Team was recognized nationally in 2004 by the U.S. Department of Energy as one of the six best energy conservation programs in the nation, and in 2006, the Maryland Energy Administration was recognized as the best program in the state. More information is available at

Strategic Plan – Our Call to Action: Pursuit of Excellence

The Board discussed and approved the fourth edition of the MCPS Strategic Plan – Our Call to Action: Pursuit of Excellence. The plan has been strengthened and revised to guide the work of schools and offices for the next five years, helping to achieve visionary goals through a detailed system of strategies, initiatives, and implementation schedules.

The revisions reflect ongoing stakeholder involvement and feedback during Fiscal Year 2006. There are two major revisions included in this updated plan – student achievement targets for the school system and every school and a new, fifth goal representing business operations.


The Board approved the following administrative appointments:

Carole A. Working, currently assistant principal, John F. Kennedy High School, as principal, Quince Orchard High School

Marc J. Cohen, currently acting director, Department of Alternative Programs, as principal, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Middle School

Renay C. Johnson, currently assistant principal, Paint Branch High School, as principal, Takoma Park Middle School

Edgar E. Malker, currently assistant principal, Walter Johnson High School, as principal, Montgomery Village Middle School

Susan B. Barranger, currently principal, Highland View Elementary School, as principal, Washington Grove Elementary School

Gary B. Bartee, currently principal, Friendship Southeast Elementary Academy, Washington, DC, as principal, North Chevy Chase Elementary School

Kimberly L. Kimber, currently principal intern, Bells Mill Elementary School, as principal, Maryvale Elementary School

Jennifer J. Ostrowski, currently principal, Sugarland Elementary School, Loudon County Public Schools, as principal, Rolling Terrace Elementary School

Lisa O. Thomas, currently acting principal, Burnt Mills Elementary School, as principal, Burnt Mills Elementary School

Maria V. Medina, currently ESOL parent specialist/instructional specialist, ESOL Parents Center, Department of Instructional Programs, as coordinator, Division of ESOL/Bilingual Programs

Helen A. Nixon, currently staff development teacher, Roberto Clemente Middle School, as coordinator, Upcounty Center Programs for the Highly Gifted, Roberto Clemente Middle School

Mary M. Rapp, currently assistant principal, Piney Branch Elementary School, as coordinator,
Division of Academic Support, Federal and State Programs

Huafang Zhao, currently instructional specialist, Department of Shared Accountability, as coordinator, Assessment Research, Applied Research Unit, Department of Shared Accountability

Board of Education: Dr. Charles Haughey, president. Ms. Sharon Cox, vice president. Members: Mr. Steve Abrams, Ms. Valerie Ervin, Ms. Nancy Navarro, Mrs. Patricia B. O’Neill, Mr. Gabe Romero, and Ms. Sarah Horvitz, student member. Dr. Jerry D. Weast, superintendent and secretary-treasurer. Office of the Board: 301-279-3617.

Ms. Navarro was not present at the Board meeting.


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