FormsParents & StudentsEnrollment/Records → Homeless Status

Homeless Status

About this Form

Form number: 335-77

Audience:  Parents/Guardians, School Staff

Last revised: December 2017

Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) is committed to what is in the best interest of children who are homeless. Whenever feasible, MCPS will minimize the effects of mobility on homeless students and unaccompanied homeless youth by maintaining a stable educational environment.

MCPS is responsible for enrolling children in the school that is in their best interest, and for providing prompt and sensitive service to parents/guardians and children who need assistance.

More Information: See MCPS Regulation JEA-RD, Enrollment of Homeless Student
Homeless Liaison Office: 240-740-4500

This form is to record that a child is currently homeless and is eligible to attend Montgomery County Public Schools and must be completed every school year. 

SECTION 1 of this form should be completed by Parent/Guardian/Eligible Student. If the student is an Unaccompanied Homeless Youth, please see instructions on Page 2 of this form before completing Page 1.

Adobe PDF Homeless Status74 KEnglish
Adobe PDF Estatus de Persona sin Hogar45 KSpanish
Adobe PDF Statut des Sans-Abri41 KFrench
Adobe PDF Tình Trạng Vô Gia Cư121 KVietnamese
Adobe PDF 無家可歸的身份245 KChinese
Adobe PDF 홈리스/노숙 상태72 KKorean
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