
Teacher Appreciation week

Teacher Appreciation Week is almost here!

The PTA will be will be celebrating our fabulous Montgomery Knolls and Pine Crest teachers and staff May 6th-10th. They have a fun itinerary planned to help show our gratitude for helping our kids learn and grow!

The PTA still in need of on-site support and additional food and beverage donations.

Please check out the sign-up genius here:

You can also give directly the PTA here:


Field Day

Save the Date! Montgomery Knolls will be hosting our Field Day on Monday, May 13th.  Make sure to send your child in wearing sunscreen, sneakers and a labeled water bottle

Montgomery Knolls Masked Reader

Kindergarten registration


Kindergarten registration is open!

If you have a child who will be 5 years old by September 1, 2024, please call or stop by Montgomery Knolls to start the registration process. 

Children who will turn 5 years old between September 2 and October 15 are eligible for consideration for the early entrance to the kindergarten process. Applications will be accepted from February 1 - June 30, 2024. Testing can be scheduled between March 18 - July 31, 2024.

Pre-screening for Visitors

We are pleased to welcome families for school-wide celebrations. In an effort to avoid long lines when you arrive, we are asking family members participating in class celebrations to complete this formYou must be on the emergency contact list.


You will receive a confirmation email that you are cleared to attend the celebration. If you are cleared, you will only need to sign-in and show your identification. You will not have to wait for staff to search for your name in Synergy because you completed this pre-screening process. We are asking that you limit the visitors to 2 adults per student due to limited parking and space in the classrooms. Each visitor must complete the form separately.


Montgomery Knolls Refrigerator page

This page was created to help you remember important dates throughout the school year.  Click here to download 

Montgomery Knolls Bus Schedules 23-24

Arrival Bus Schedule

Dismissal Bus Schedule

Purple (Virtual) Day schedule

MKES Code Purple